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Political Deepfake Controls on Meta, Spot Phishing Emails, and What Is a Gaming IEM? [Podcast]

Spot phishing emails, understand gaming IEMs, and learn about Meta's deepfake controls on this informative podcast.

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What Is Dropper as a Service? The Delivery Service for Malware Developers

Dropper malware can sneak viruses onto your system, and they're currently being sold by the thousands on the black market.

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How to Detect a Keylogger on Your Smartphone

Keyloggers can reveal your every move, but there are ways to spot them before the damage is done.

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Were You a Victim of the MOVEit Breach? Here's What You Need to Know

The MOVEit breach is one of 2023's biggest ransomware attacks and has affected millions of people worldwide.

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Don't Download the Google Bard App—It's Malware

Scammers are exploiting Google Bard and tricking people into downloading malware, but there are some easy ways to avoid it.

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What Is a Cold Boot Attack and Can You Defend Against It?

When you flick the switch on your computer off, it takes the data stored in your RAM with it, right? Don't be so sure.

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The 10 Biggest Crypto Hacks and Scams of 2023

2023 has been a tough year for crypto security, but which platforms suffered the most?

MacBook Pro showing a folder of Adobe apps in the Dock 1
Keep Your Devices Secure: 6 Important Things to Remember Before Installing Apps

Considering downloading an app? Make sure you take these precautions before doing so.

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Google's "Unusual Traffic" Error: What It Means and How to Fix It

Google might show that its systems "have detected unusual traffic" from your device. Does this mean you're infected with malware? Not necessarily...

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What Is Quishing? How Can You Prevent a Quishing Attack?

Quishing turns QR codes into dangerous attack vectors. Here's how to stay safe.

Fake USB hacking cable 1
How to Protect Your Devices From a Fake USB O.MG Cable

A seemingly harmless USB cable can result in your devices being hacked.

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Why Does "Anonymous" Launch DDoS Cyber Attacks?

The "Anonymous" hacker group is known for its DDoS attacks, but why is this the case?

person on laptop with 3D alert page in front of screen 1
Can You Trust File Malware Scanners?

No one wants malicious code in their files. But can file malware scanners really be trusted to help with this issue?

A smartphone with a wifi icon and hacker  1
What Is a Wi-Fi Karma Attack?

Wi-Fi karma attacks put you and your data at risk. Here's why...

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These 9 Fake ChatGPT Virus and Malware Apps Can Steal Your Data

Does ChatGPT have viruses? Malicious counterparts certainly do. Here are nine fake chatbot alternatives that you need to steer clear of.

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What Is Wi-Fi Eavesdropping? Understanding the Risks and How to Stay Secure

Cybercriminals can listen in on your Wi-Fi activity by eavesdropping. Here's how it works and how you can avoid it.

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6 Security Threats Android Users Face in 2023

Your Android smartphone faces a lot of problems courtesy of cybercriminals. Here's what to watch out for right now.

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What Are Ransomware Negotiators and How Can They Save You Serious Cash?

You might not have heard of a ransomware negotiator before. Here's what they can do and why the role is essential.

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Can Your CPU Be Hacked?

Yes, your hardware is vulnerable to cyberattacks, so how can hackers target your Central Processing Unit?

An open laptop with a black pirate flag against a red background on the screen. 1
Killware vs. Ransomware: What's the Difference?

Killware and ransomware are both types of cyberattacks, but do you know how to differentiate them?

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